“I went online and found the BeADisciple site, and the next thing I knew, my life changed!”
“I liked that doing it online enabled me to take a class with people interested in the same topic but located all over the USA.”
“I really appreciated being able to access this course online, as I live 4.5 hours from areas where it is offered in person and taught in a straight 10 hour format. The online format also made it possible to actually engage over time, think, pray, etc.”
“I like taking courses from BeADisciple. Online learning matches my time availability and budget, and the courses match my interests.”
“I liked that I could sit down at 11pm at night, when my time allowed, to participate.”
“I am exceptionally pleased with the very real sense of being in a small group of friends, reasoning and praying together.”
“I’ve been very favorably impressed by the instructors and very grateful for the interactions with fellow followers of Christ from around the country. I enjoy getting to know people from other areas, to listen to their faith journeys and perspectives, and to learn more about their churches.”
“BeADisciple is such a wonderful place to grow! I have taken more than a few classes from BeADisciple and have developed friendships from around the US that have continued long after the courses have ended and these relationships continue. I give thanks to God for these relationships and the opportunity given to create them through BeADisciple.com!”