Old Testament Through A Different Lens: Torah and Beyond | Jerra Jenrette | Biblical Studies | |
Old Testament Through A Different Lens: The Prophets | Jerra Jenrette | Biblical Studies | |
Focusing on the Last Supper (Microcourse) | David Quel | Biblical Studies | |
Old Testament Through a Different Lens: Ketuvim/Writings | Jerra Jenrette | Biblical Studies | |
Reading the New Testament With Fresh Eyes | Richard Fitzgerald | Biblical Studies | |
Anxiety, Fear, and Faith | Amber Cheesebrough | Care for Self & Others | |
Addiction and Spirituality | Kysten Ellison | Care for Self & Others | |
Ministry for Dementia Patients: Serving the Forgotten through a Spiritual Lens | Dorothy Kropf | Care for Self & Others | Lay Servant Ministries |
Mental Illness and the Church | Jasmine Ray-Symms | Care for Self & Others | |
A Scriptural Walk to Refresh the Soul | Anggie Thompson | Care for Self and Others | |
Transforming the One Room Sunday School Classroom | Dena Kitchens | Children's Ministry | |
Preaching a Children's Sermon | Elaine Short | Children's Ministry | |
Biblical Storytelling for Summer | Beth Galbreath | Christian Education | Lay Servant Ministries |
Leading Bible Study: Biblical Interpretation | Beth Perry | Christian Education | Lay Servant Ministries |
Autism and the Church: All Part of Jesus’ Puzzle | David Quel | Christian Education | |
Biblical Faith and Christian Education | Dena Kitchens | Christian Education | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Building Beloved Community in a Wounded World | Jacob Goodson | Christian Education | |
Afire With God: Becoming Spirited Stewards | John Zimmerman | Christian Education | Lay Servant Ministries |
Theology and Christian Education | Kate Hanch | Christian Education | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Teaching Biblical Faith: Leading Small Group Bible Studies | Pamela Deck | Christian Education | Lay Servant Ministries |
Journey Through the Psalms | Staff | Christian Education | Wesley Academy |
Passionately Christian, Compassionately Interfaith | Staff | Christian Education | Wesley Academy |
Methodist Identity: Our Story | Staff | Christian Education | Wesley Academy |
Devotion to Jesus: The Divinity of Christ in Earliest Christianity | Staff | Christian Education | Wesley Academy |
Women Speak of God | Staff | Christian Education | Wesley Academy |
Leading Like Nehemiah | Staff | Christian Education | Wesley Academy |
Administering Christian Education Programs | Tamar Wasoian | Christian Education | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Teaching and Learning in Christian Education | Tamar Wasoian | Christian Education | IFD Ministry Certifications |
The Bible, the Weather, and Risk Management | Sheila Warner | Church Administration & Leadership | |
Communication, Public Speaking and the Church | Arlene Schmidt | Church Administration & Leadership | |
For the Common Good: Discovering and Using Your Spiritual Gifts | Barbara Justis | Church Administration & Leadership | Lay Servant Ministries |
Using the Enneagram to Create Healthy Church Cultures | Beth Beaty | Church Administration & Leadership | |
What Happened at General Conference? Microcourse | Beth Galbreath | Church Administration & Leadership | |
Loaves and Fishes: Asset-Mapping Microcourse | Beth Galbreath | Church Administration & Leadership | |
Loving People and Planet in the Name of God | Beth Galbreath | Church Administration & Leadership | Lay Servant Ministries |
Hope and Justice for Creation | Beth Galbreath | Church Administration & Leadership | |
Loaves and Fishes: Discovering Hidden Possibilities for You and Your Church | Beth Galbreath | Church Administration & Leadership | |
Living Our United Methodist Beliefs (Heritage course) | Beth Galbreath | Church Administration & Leadership | Lay Servant Ministries |
Life Together in the United Methodist Connection (Polity course) | Beth Galbreath | Church Administration & Leadership | Lay Servant Ministries |
Spiritual Gifts Microcourse | Beth Perry | Church Administration & Leadership | |
Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts | Beth Perry | Church Administration & Leadership | Lay Servant Ministries |
Teach Adults (Flexible Schedule) | Beth Perry | Church Administration & Leadership | Lay Servant Ministries |
How to Develop an Effective Green Team Microcourse | Crys Zinkiewicz | Church Administration & Leadership | |
Lay Servants as Christian Transformational Leaders | Darla Thieler | Church Administration & Leadership | Lay Servant Ministries |
CLM Module 2: The Practice of Ministry | David Palmer | Church Administration & Leadership | Certified Lay Ministry |
CLM Module 1: Call and Covenant for Ministry | David Palmer | Church Administration & Leadership | Certified Lay Ministry |
CLM Module 3: Organization for Ministry | David Palmer | Church Administration & Leadership | Certified Lay Ministry |
CLM Module 4: Connection for Ministry | David Palmer | Church Administration & Leadership | Certified Lay Ministry |
Planning for the Church Emergency | Frank Friend | Church Administration & Leadership | |
Biblical Compassion and Church Administration | Harriet Wilkin | Church Administration & Leadership | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Theology and Church Administration | Harriet Wilkin | Church Administration & Leadership | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Serving in your Ministry Context | Harriet Wilkin | Church Administration & Leadership | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Finance and Church Administration | Harriet Wilkin | Church Administration & Leadership | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Class Leaders: Recovering A Tradition | Nan Nelson | Church Administration & Leadership | Lay Servant Ministries |
Leading Missional Small Groups | Pamela Deck | Church Administration & Leadership | Lay Servant Ministries |
Teaching and Leading Small Groups | Pamela Deck | Church Administration & Leadership | |
God’s Mission, Our Journey | Beth Galbreath | Evangelism | Lay Servant Ministries |
Transforming Evangelism | Christine Zimmerman | Evangelism | Lay Servant Ministries |
Becoming an Effective Witness for Jesus Christ | Darla Thieler | Evangelism | |
Teaching Biblical Faith: Evangelism | Darla Thieler | Evangelism | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Teaching Theology: Evangelism | Darla Thieler | Evangelism | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Evangelism as Congregational Outreach | Darla Thieler | Evangelism | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Evangelism as Congregational Care & Nurture | Nancy Golden | Evangelism | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Bridges Not Walls, Pt. 1: Communicating With Those Who Are Grieving | Annette Arnold-Pflaum | Grief | |
Bridges Not Walls, Pt. 2: What to Say in Times of Crisis, Grief, and Heartache | Annette Arnold-Pflaum | Grief | |
Across the Rainbow Bridge: Grieving the Death of a Pet | Annette Arnold-Pflaum | Grief | |
Helping Others Grow Through Their Grieving | Jerome Herauf | Grief | |
From Your Heart to Theirs: Delivering an Effective Sermon (Friday Zoom) | Beth Perry | Music & Worship Ministry | Lay Servant Ministries |
From Your Heart to Theirs: Delivering an Effective Sermon (Saturday Zoom) | Beth Perry | Music & Worship Ministry | Lay Servant Ministries |
Biblical Storytelling I | Beth Galbreath | Music & Worship Ministry | Lay Servant Ministries |
Biblical Storytelling II | Beth Galbreath | Music & Worship Ministry | Lay Servant Ministries |
Proclaiming Scripture with a Storytelling Spirit for Lent | Beth Galbreath | Music & Worship Ministry | Lay Servant Ministries |
Called To Preach (Friday Zoom) | Beth Perry | Music & Worship Ministry | Lay Servant Ministries |
Called To Preach (Saturday Zoom) | Beth Perry | Music & Worship Ministry | Lay Servant Ministries |
Awe and Wonder: The Arts in Worship | Cindy Barrineau Curtis | Music & Worship Ministry | |
Your Ministry of Leading Worship | Daniel Benedict | Music & Worship Ministry | Lay Servant Ministries |
Developing a Dynamic Praise & Worship Experience | Darla Thieler | Music & Worship Ministry | |
Writing Bible-Based Plays, Step by Step | Darlene Resling | Music & Worship Ministry | |
Psalms: Songs and Prayers of the Heart | Jeff Seeley | Music & Worship Ministry | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Singing our Faith: The Power of Theology and Music | Jeff Seeley | Music & Worship Ministry | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Congregational Song: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow | Jeff Seeley | Music & Worship Ministry | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Music Ministry: Its Administration and Practice | Jeff Seeley | Music & Worship Ministry | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Preaching on Fractured Ground | Nan Nelson | Music & Worship Ministry | |
Fractured Ground: A Book Study Exploring Mass Trauma | Nan Nelson | Music & Worship Ministry | |
Aging and Ministry in the 21st Century | David Palmer | Older Adult Ministry | Lay Servant Ministries |
Honor Thy Father and Mother As They Age | Ed Zinkiewicz | Older Adult Ministry | |
Closing Conversations: An End-of-Life Care Guide | Gail Compton | Older Adult Ministry | |
Disability Awareness | Dorothy Kropf | People with Disabilities | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Ministry with People with Disabilities | Dorothy Kropf | People with Disabilities | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Disability, the Bible, and the Church | Jenn W | People with Disabilities | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Theology of Ministry with People with Disabilities | Jenn W | People with Disabilities | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Leading Public Prayer | John Zimmerman | Prayer & Meditation | Lay Servant Ministries |
Creative Praying Through Scripture, Music, and Art | Judi Fasick | Prayer & Meditation | |
Rural Relationships and Rural Ministry | | Rural Ministry | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Transforming Rural Places Through Congregational and Community Partnerships | | Rural Ministry | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Practical Theology in Rural Communities | | Rural Ministry | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Join Jesus in Rural Ministry | Sandi Perl | Rural Ministry | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Joseph: An Advent Study | David Quel | Seasonal (Advent/Lent) | |
Biblical Women in Advent (Microcourse) | Beth Perry | Seasonal (Advent/Lent) | |
Children of Abraham | Beth Galbreath | Seasonal (Advent/Lent) | Lay Servant Ministries |
Biblical Storytelling Weekly for Advent | Beth Galbreath | Seasonal (Advent/Lent) | Lay Servant Ministries |
Biblical Women, Lenten Longing, and 21st Century Lives | Beth Perry | Seasonal (Advent/Lent) | |
Taking Back Advent: Moving Toward the Miraculous | Nancy Golden | Seasonal (Advent/Lent) | |
Acts as a Lenten Journey | Todd Seifert | Seasonal (Advent/Lent) | |
Living in the Slow Lane: Strengthening Our Spiritual Well-being | Kay Psencik | Spiritual Formation | |
Futureproofing Faith: Revitalizing Churches in the 21st Century | Jerry Miller | Spiritual Formation | |
The Ministry of Spiritual Direction and Companionship | Kathy Reiter & Lisa Beckman | Spiritual Formation | IFD Ministry Certifications |
The 3 Colors of Your Spirituality | Beth Galbreath | Spiritual Formation | |
Dreams: Unopened Letters from God | Catherine Luck | Spiritual Formation | |
Embracing Personal Prayer | Christine Zimmerman | Spiritual Formation | Lay Servant Ministries |
Devotional Life in the Wesleyan Tradition | Christine Zimmerman | Spiritual Formation | Lay Servant Ministries |
Introduction to the Enneagram | Jim & Kathy Reiter | Spiritual Formation | |
Exploring the Landscape of Spiritual Formation | Jim Reiter | Spiritual Formation | |
The Art of Living Intentionally | Jim Reiter | Spiritual Formation | |
Spiritual Practices for Personal Transformation | Jim Reiter | Spiritual Formation | |
Teaching Biblical Faith for Spiritual Formation | Jim Reiter | Spiritual Formation | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Spiritual Disciplines for Personal and Parish Renewal | Jim Reiter | Spiritual Formation | IFD Ministry Certifications |
A Practicum in Spiritual Formation | Jim Reiter | Spiritual Formation | IFD Ministry Certifications |
The Enneagram for Growth | Kathy Reiter | Spiritual Formation | |
Racial Reconciliation in the Church: Understanding, Healing, and Action | Andrew Finch | Spiritual Formation | |
Becoming Accountable Disciples | Nan Nelson | Spiritual Formation | Lay Servant Ministries |
Opening Ourselves to Grace: Basic Christian Practices | Nan Nelson | Spiritual Formation | Lay Servant Ministries |
A Life Worthy of the Gospel | Staff | Spiritual Formation | Wesley Academy |
Come to the Table | Beth Galbreath | Theology | Lay Servant Ministries |
Come to the Waters | Beth Galbreath | Theology | Lay Servant Ministries |
Patterned by Grace: How Worship Shapes Us | Daniel Benedict | Theology | Lay Servant Ministries |
Who Is Holy Spirit? | Saundra Denise Drumwright | Theology | |
Russian Philosophy and Theology | Jacob Goodson | Theology | |
In God's Time: The Bible and the Future | Staff | Theology | Wesley Academy |
Methodist Identity: Our Beliefs | Staff | Theology | Wesley Academy |
Simply Christian | Staff | Theology | Wesley Academy |
Religion and Science: Pathways to Truth | Staff | Theology | Wesley Academy |
Serious Answers to Hard Questions | Staff | Theology | Wesley Academy |
BeADisciple.com Instructor Training | Beth Perry | Trainings | |
Biblical Faith Regarding Women | Beth Perry | Women's Ministry | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Theology Regarding Women | Beth Perry | Women's Ministry | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Women’s Ministries 3-day Sampler | Beth Perry | Women's Ministry | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Practical Women’s Ministries II: Leadership Growth and Development | Martha Banks | Women's Ministry | IFD Ministry Certifications |
Practical Women’s Ministries I: Spiritual Growth and Development | Susan Tesar | Women's Ministry | IFD Ministry Certifications |