IFD171 – Writing Bible-Based Plays for Christmas, Step by Step

Course Dates: Not Currently Enrolling Click here to be emailed when new dates are posted Would a Bible-based play liven up your worship time during the Advent/Christmas season? Would the production include all ages and ability levels? This course can make that happen with step-by-step guidance that includes rationale, story choice, plot, characters, acting parts,…

IFDC840 – Music Ministry: Its Administration and Practice

Course Dates: March 17 – May 2, 2025 (No class during Holy Week, 4/14-18) Pre-requisites for this class are IFDC810 , IFDC820 & IFDC830 Need the password? Contact us This course will address the practical elements of music ministry, including leadership qualities, functioning on a church staff, designing and leading worship, and effective leadership as a pastoral musician. The…

IFD303 – Proclaiming Scripture with a Storytelling Spirit for Lent

Course Dates: Not Currently Enrolling Click here to be emailed when new dates are posted This course is for those who read Scripture aloud for a worshipping congregation, and want to increase their people’s engagement with God’s powerful stories of Jesus’ death and Resurrection. Delving deeply together into many of the Holy Week stories from…

IFD385 – Your Ministry of Planning and Leading Worship

Course Dates: Not Currently Enrolling Click here to be emailed when new dates are posted For many lay speakers, the prospect of leading worship can be an intimidating. This course will help you prepare to lead worship or do “pulpit supply” with confidence. It fulfills requirements for “Leading Worship” and “Planning Worship” needed for Lay…