“John and Charles Wesley and the early Methodists understood the importance of Christian community, lay leadership in ministry, small groups, and mutual accountability, and supporting the work of Christian formation. Men and women learned the basic practices of Christian life and, with regular accountability and support, they grew in love.”
This quote from the required text, Accountable Discipleship: Living in God’s Household, by Steven W. Manskar, is the basis of our two-week course. Through devotions, daily videos, lectures, and discussions, you will deepen your understanding of living in the household of God, as you explore accountability, relationships, and grace.
Learners are required to have Accountable Discipleship: Living in God’s Household, by Steven W. Manskar, for this course.
In addition to Blackboard interactions. one (1) optimal zoom will be held Thursday Week 2, at a time determined with learner input and at the instructor’s convenience. The meeting will not be recorded.
This course has been approved by Discipleship Ministries as an advanced course in Lay Servant Ministries. It provides the required 10 contact hours.
This course is eligible for 1.0 CEU.
Quick Info:
Number of weeks: 2
Price: $75
CEUs: 1.0
Required books: Yes
Blackboard: Yes
Zoom: Yes, Optional
Certification or Series: Yes (Lay Servant Ministries)
Read course description for details.
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About the Instructor
Nan Nelson is a retired elder in full connection. She understands the connection not only between churches, but also the special connections churches have with their communities. She believes that churches in concert with caring communities spread God’s love and grace.
Nan’s experience includes years of teaching effective communication at the college level. Nan has a heart for ministry of the laity and previously served as District Director of Lay Servant Ministry (LSM). She continues to support LSM in her district. She currently serves on the district Committee on Ordained Ministry and as a circuit elder and clergy mentor.
Past Learners Said…
“My knowledge and understanding of the concept of Wesleyan class/accountability groups went from like 0 to 60 in 10 days.”
“How to truly be accountable to God, myself, and others. How to help others to become accountable disciples.”
“The logic and clarity in the way this course was presented. The daily assignments enhanced the course material and provided real world examples for using this instruction. Also, the instructor was very knowledgeable and experienced in this topic. Additionally, she was readily available to answer any questions or concerns.”
“Where to begin?! I learned several ways to start and structure an Accountability Group or Partnership. The
review of John Wesley was good. The method of Discussion Board providing opportunity to hear different
ideas from other classmates was helpful . Goal-setting and then tracking how I/we meet those goals was
something I want to put into practice, whether I can get a group or partnership going in my church or not.”
“I learned what accountability is all about, in the early church and now, and how I can use it in all aspects of my
life, not just my faith.”
“The book by Steven W. Manskar is outstanding. I learned so much about terminology definition. The
questions each day involved some deep thinking and need to read scripture. I thoroughly enjoyed this class.
Maybe the best course I’ve taken through BeADisciple.”
“The book, Accountable Discipleship, is an excellent source for this course. The instructor was easy to
communicate with and provided needed materials online.”
“I enjoyed this course so much that I plan to take Class Leaders with Nan next month.”