Lent is a time of prayer, fasting, and spending quiet time in meditation and reflection. Were you able to connect with God during this reflection time? This three-week book study is for those people who want to continue to grow in His presence.
Don’t let the frenzied pace of today’s society seep back into the times you found during Lent to simply sit with Jesus. Continue your faith journey by finding the time to read and respond to “The Lost Art of Practicing His Presence.” Slow down and allow yourself to continue being connected with God without feeling overwhelmed. The course features contemplative prayer and urges you to “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)
Learners are required to obtain this book: The Lost Art of Practicing His Presence by James W. Goll forward by Mike Bickle
This course is eligible for 1.5 CEU.
Quick Info:
Number of weeks: 3
Price: $95
CEUs: 1.5
Required books: Yes
Blackboard: Yes
Zoom: No
Certification or Series: No
Read course description for details.
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Price: $95
About the Instructor
Arlene Schmidt is a Certified Lay Minister who cherishes walking beside learners in their faith journeys. She has been leading Lay Servant Ministries courses and developing power points for these and other courses for more than a decade. Arlene did face-to-face facilitating for many years, then taught by Zoom for two years during the pandemic. Arlene has served as lay leader, SPRC chair, and as conference lay delegate. She also provides pulpit supply for pastors in her area and is coordinator of women’s ministry in her conference.
In addition to this course Arlene has developed and led “Communication, Public Speaking, and the Church” for BeADisciple.com.