This course is based on the widely-used book Journey through the Psalms, and features video lessons by its author, Dr. Denise Dombkowski Hopkins, Professor of Hebrew Bible at Wesley Theological Seminary. Through the course of eight weekly sessions, the course provides a vehicle to bring the Psalms to life for prayer and worship in the local church and helps participants learn to approach God with the honesty and emotional intensity of the ancient psalmists.
Lessons Include:
- Praying the Psalms
- The Synagogue, the Church, and the Psalms
- Your Hallelujahs Don’t Have to Be Hollow Anymore
- You Get What You Deserve, Don’t You?
- Complaining in Faith to God
- Life in the Meanwhile
- The Lord Reigns: Enthronement Psalms
1.5 CEUs are available.
Quick Info:
Number of weeks: 8
Price: $100
CEUs: 1.5
Required books: Yes
Blackboard: Yes
Zoom: No
Certification or Series: Yes (Wesley Academy for Advanced Christian Studies)
Read course description for details.
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Price: $100
Image from an illustrated version of Psalm 23. Public Domain.
Past Learners Said…
“Ms. Thieler has been an excellent instructor, moderator and facilitator for this course. BeADisciple is fortunate to have a person of her experience, spirituality, and gifts to share with others. The course itself surpassed my expectations.”
“This class opened the door to a whole new outlook on the Psalms that I had never seen.”
“I truly enjoyed this course. The book and videos were great! The instructor was encouraging in her comments on the discussion board.”
“I really enjoyed the book. It provided excellent background, analysis, and stimulated my thinking. The video lectures were a nice supplement, and the discussion tied it together and formed a community. It was good!”
“I learned the correlation between the Psalms and Lent & Easter. I learned that the Psalms are about the journey of faith. I learned about the structure of the different types of Psalms (lament, praise, thanksgiving). I learned about their role in worship.”
About the Instructor
David Quel’s passions are ministry and the special needs community. He has worked in ministry more than 25 years as a youth director and in pastoral care. In addition to a master’s degree in education from Slippery Rock University, he earned a master’s certificate in autism studies from Seton Hill University, a Master of Divinity from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, and a doctorate in education from Liberty University. He continues to search for new ways to help the autistic community be more welcome within the church community, and is eager to share these methods with others through online courses.
About the Program Director
Michael Beardslee began working for the Institute for Discipleship and BeADisciple in early 2016, developing and facilitating courses for the new Wesley Lay Academy. This was a natural transition for him: He had been the Institute for Discipleship’s Visiting Scholar Southwestern College, then continued the work he began with BeADisciple.
Michael is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Fuller Theological Seminary (intercultural studies), working under Pentecostal theologian Amos Yong. His doctoral research concerns the way Christians from different cultural locations relate to one another in a globalized Christianity. His writing was featured most recently in “Breaking the Marriage Idol: Reconstructing Our Cultural and Spiritual Norms” (IVP, 2018), and in the Religion and Theology Journal (Brill, 2017).
In additional to his doctoral studies Michael holds a bachelor’s degree in religion and philosophy from Friends University, an M.A. from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, and a Th.M. in systematic theology from Trinity International University.