Religions are intimately connected in our ever-shrinking world. We need to be both deeply formed by Christian sources and broadly informed by interreligious resources to engage this world with confidence and graciousness. This course invites you to cultivate a missional presence in the world that is passionately Christian as well as compassionately interreligious. It accompanies you through various religious beliefs, practices, and communities to learn about unexpected divine wisdom in unexpected places.
This course will expand students’ religious knowledge through a respectful study of core beliefs and practices of the major world religions, challenge and enhance our spiritual practice by learning from God’s witnesses in different places, and provoke theological wisdom that can rejoice in the particularity of Christ while respectfully celebrating the universality of God.
Students will need to have a copy of Stephen Prothero’s book, God is not One: The Eight Rival Religions that Run the World – and why their Differences Matter.
Lessons Include:
- Our Christian Gospel and God’s Interreligious World
- Hinduism
- Islam
- Buddhism
- Sikhism
- Judaism
- Atheism
- Theological mediation on passion for Christ & compassion for all God’s family
- Christian mission in a world that is compassionately interreligious
2.0 CEUs are available.
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Quick Info:
Number of weeks: 12
Price: $100
CEUs: 2.0
Required books: Yes
Blackboard: Yes
Zoom: No
Certification or Series: Yes (Wesley Academy for Advanced Christian Studies)
Read course description for details.
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Price: $100
Past Students Said…
“I believe I have a better appreciation for and understanding of the religions we studied. That includes where there may be similarities between those religions and where there is significant difference. As a result, I can be much better informed and effective as I participate in future dialogues with followers of these different faiths.”
“I especially liked the sections on Buddhism, Sikhism, and Hinduism; I was able to really understand their origins and differences.”
“The course helped me to develop a stronger understanding of Christianity and good responses to people of other faiths.”
About the Instructor
John J. Noggle brings personal experience to his course on childhood poverty: His parents grew up in poverty. First as a teacher and coach then as a United Methodist minister in Arkansas, John has been keenly aware of the many children at risk because of generational and situational poverty. As part of his doctoral studies at Southern Methodist University he explored how a mentor program could help break this cycle of poverty, basing that study on one he had developed and used as part of his public school duties. There he had success in bringing the schools, community, and church together in partnership where learning and relationships could be developed. He successfully applied for funding of food and clothing outreach for children and youth as well as establishing youth and adult Bible studies.
About the Program Director
Dr. Michael Beardslee began working for the Institute for Discipleship and BeADisciple in early 2016, developing and facilitating courses for what was then called the Wesley Lay Academy. Following a stint as the Institute for Discipleship’s Visiting Scholar at Southwestern College, he continued his work at Michael now serves as the Wesley Academy’s program director.
Michael earned his Ph.D from Fuller Seminary, under the mentorship of renowned Pentecostal theologian Amos Yong. Michael’s interests lie at the intersection of theology and culture, with his dissertation exploring the concept of orthodoxy as it pertains to a globalized world. Prior writings were featured in Breaking the Marriage Idol by Kutter Callaway (IVP, 2018), and in the scholarly journals Religion and Theology and Studies in World Christianity. Before his doctoral work, Michael received an M.A. from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and a Th.M. in systematic theology from Trinity International University.