Jerome Herauf
Jerry Herauf (M.A., M.Div.) trained and ministered in the Jesuit community for 18 years before continuing his lay service in publishing, pastoral care, and bereavement ministry for more than four decades.
He has been chaplain and director of pastoral care ministries in hospitals and long-term care facilities in New Jersey and Pennsylvania over the past 20 years. He currently is PRN (as-needed) hospice chaplain with Revolutionary Home Health and Hospice in Allentown and Eynon, Penn., and facilitates seminar courses and bereavement support groups online and in-person.
Jerry is a spiritual counselor, certified by the Jesuit Spirituality Center (Guelph, Ont.). He has directed retreats ranging from one-on-one counseling to Ignatian retreats lasting up to 30 days, as well as those taking place in everyday lives. Of all his ministries, he has found his work among the grieving to be one of the most poignant.