When someone around us is experiencing hurt or grief, we want to do what we can to alleviate their pain. Instead, we often unintentionally say words that add to their pain. We owe it to ourselves and those hurting to be equipped to meet their pain in the comforting manner we intend.
In this course, we’ll study phrases and actions that actually do make a positive difference to those who are suffering and examine why some of our usual phrases aren’t as useful as we previously thought. There’s more than enough pain in the world; make a positive difference to the brokenhearted around you by learning the difference between helpful and hurtful caring language.
To successfully complete this course, learners must complete a reading assignment and engage on the Discussion Board each weekday at the time that best fits their schedule. Absence from the Discussion Board for three days may result in removal from the course. To protect the confidentiality of all learners and provide a safe environment given the sensitive topic, a privacy agreement will be communicated and agreed to on the first day of this course.
Students are required to have a copy of Don’t Sing Songs to a Heavy Heart, by Kenneth C. Haugk, Ph.D., for this course. (Best available price is through Stephen Ministries)
This course is eligible for 1.0 CEU.
Quick Info:
Number of weeks: 2
Price: $85
CEUs: 1.0
Required books: Yes
Blackboard: Yes
Zoom: No
Certification or Series: No
Read course description for details.
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About the Instructor
Annette Arnold-Pflaum is the founder and president of Wisteria Ministries. She has 25 years counseling experience and has specialized in grief and crisis counseling since 2015.
Annette is a Nationally Board Certified Chaplain [BCC] and has been a State of Nevada Licensed Interfaith Minister since 2014. She is also a Certified Lay Minister in the United Methodist Church and holds a certificate in congregational leadership.
A retired nurse/EMT with 20 years of medical experience, Annette is a graduate of the Academy of Religious Studies, Ministerial Seminary, Chaplaincy Nevada Theology Academy, and has completed advanced clinical pastoral training. She has been an academy instructor.
Annette is consulting director of the Nevada State Chaplains Task Force: Crisis, Trauma, Emergency & Critical Incident Response Team. She was part of the response team that assisted after the 2017 Las Vegas shooting.
Past Students Said…
“Chaplain Annette is a caring and compassionate teacher. She is quite knowledgeable and takes the time to ensure you understand the concepts being taught. She challenges you to really think through the ideas before expressing your thoughts in writing. You leave her courses feeling more prepared for the task at hand.”
“I think the course is very useful to educate people that are grieving so that they know it is not unusual to feel a certain way in their different stages of grief.”
“The feedback from the instructor, not only to me but to my classmates as well. What I learned was invaluable. Also, her responsiveness and genuine desire to help us understand along the way. I have had other online classes and I could have just as easily read only the text for all the input I received from the instructor. I truly appreciate the amount of time that Sr. Chaplain Annette took to lead us to a better understanding of how to help those experiencing grief.”
“The interaction with the instructor. She gave clear and concise answers to participants and was always available when there were questions. 5 out of 5 stars.”
“Many of the things we shouldn’t say, I thought, was me offering my compassion and condolences. I didn’t realize I could be adding to their grief. I have a better grasp of someone on their journey of grieving.”