IFDC1230 – Disability Awareness

Course Dates: Not Currently Enrolling Pre-requisites for this class are IFDC1210 & IFDC1220 Need the password? Contact us By taking this course, students will be able to compare and contrast the different physical, mental, social, emotional, and developmental disabilities of their organization’s members, staff, and volunteers. Students will create a repository of resources, including training materials…

IFDC1220 – Disability, the Bible, and the Church

Course Dates: Not Currently Enrolling Pre-requisites for this class are IFDC1210 Need the password? Contact us This course investigates how the contemporary church can better embrace individuals with disabilities by drawing on the Apostle Paul’s letters to the early church. Learners will explore how the early church approached disability, emphasizing that it should not be…

IFDC1210 – Theological Exploration of Disability in the Old Testament

Course Dates: Not Currently Enrolling Click here to be notified when this certification begins again This course will examine the biblical representations of disability in the Old Testament. Learners will address the historical and cultural lenses through which Jewish traditions understood physical and mental disabilities. Learners will also engage in discussions on how disability is…