Grace is God’s un-merited, unconditional love and acceptance freely given to all. Yet as Christians, saved by grace, often we are unable or unwilling to extend that grace to others. This is a course designed to help you learn about grace while exploring the practices that help you nurture and watch over one another in love. Participating in the means of grace (works of mercy and works of piety), you are better able to help others understand the power of grace so that they grow in love of God and neighbor.
If you have questions, please email the instructor.
Learners will need to obtain this free download:
Opening Ourselves to Grace: The Means of Grace and Discipleship (free PDF download)
In addition to Blackboard interactions, one (1) optional Zoom meeting may be held on Thursday, Week 2 at a time set with learner input and at the instructor’s convenience. The meeting will not be recorded.
This course has been approved by Discipleship Ministries as an advanced course in Lay Servant Ministries. It provides the required 10 contact hours.
This course is eligible for 1.0 CEU.
Quick Info:
Number of weeks: 2
Price: $75
CEUs: 1.0
Required books: Yes
Blackboard: Yes
Zoom: Yes, optional
Certification or Series: Yes Lay Servant Ministries
Read course description for details.
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About the Instructor
Nan Nelson is a retired elder in full connection. She understands the connection not only between churches, but also the special connections churches have with their communities. She believes that churches in concert with caring communities spread God’s love and grace.
Nan’s experience includes years of teaching effective communication at the college level. Nan has a heart for ministry of the laity and previously served as District Director of Lay Servant Ministry (LSM). She continues to support LSM in her district. She currently serves on the district Committee on Ordained Ministry and as a circuit elder and clergy mentor.
Past Learners Said…
“The class was excellent and I enjoyed how we opened with a centering of prayer, scripture, and hymn.”
“The prayer, scripture reading, and hymn gave me food for the soul.”
“I like how the video connected with the scripture and hymn. “Both the course and the instructor were helpful in my understanding of grace.”
“This course has definitely taken my understanding of grace from simply knowing its definition and Biblical use to truly understanding its power. This will serve me well in my spiritual life and ministry from here on out. Rev. Nan Nelson did a wonderful job designing the course and facilitating our learning and growth.”
“I feel this course is a must for all Lay Ministers. The instructor, Nan, is so dedicated and passionate about Grace.”
“Even though I have studied the Means of Grace before, this course brought a new dimension to my understanding of the topic. The information in the course is valuable and has practical application as I grow in my discipleship and share my faith with other people.”
“Excellent course with an excellent instructor. Highly recommend this course and instructor to everyone interested in this topic and to those who do not even realize yet how much they need this information.”