Course Dates:
March 31 – April 13, 2025
You will need a password to enroll in this course. You must have met the prerequisite Lay Servant Ministries training and CLM Module 1, 2 and 3 online or locally (in person). Please email the registrar for the access password.

This fourth CLM module reviews United Methodist history, doctrine and polity, and the connection between various levels of the denomination. It also includes proposed plans for ongoing education and a commitment service.
Please note that this course requires the continuation of a Mutual Ministry Team. One-on-one meetings with the CLM learner’s pastor mentor and together with the mutual ministry team members continue and are required during this fourth training module to meet the learning objectives.
- Successful completion of CLM Module 1, Module 2, and Module 3. Please do not enroll in CLM Module 4 if you have not completed CLM Modules 1-3 online or locally.
- For this course, learners will need Living Our Beliefs: The United Methodist Wayby Kenneth Carder, and the 2020/2024 The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church | Cokesbury. ISBN 13: 9781791010942. Publication Date: 12/18/2024. A free, searchable pdf is available in the course resources.
In addition to Blackboard interactions, 2 required Zoom meetings will be held. The first one will be on the first Monday of the course and the second one will be on the last Friday of the course. The date of the second Zoom session may be adjusted at the discretion of the instructor with input from the course group. The required Zoom meetings are held from 6-8 PM Eastern Time. There will be an alternative assignment for those who cannot attend with the permission of the instructor.
This course is eligible for 1.0 CEU.
The CLM Downloadable Resource for Module Four will be available within the course.
Quick Info:
Number of weeks: 2
Price: $80
CEUs: 1.0
Required books: Yes
Blackboard: Yes
Zoom: Yes, required
Certification or Series: Yes (Certified Lay Ministry)
Read course description for details.
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You will need a password to enroll in this course. You must have met the prerequisite Lay Servant Ministries training and CLM Module 1, 2 and 3 online or locally (in person). Please email the registrar for the access password.
Price $80
Past Students Said…
“I learned a lot more about the history, structure of the Methodist church, and the role CLMs can have within this structure.”
“Good course content and length. I like the focus on heritage and the Book of Discipline, and several assignments were challenging. This is probably the hardest and best course of the 4 required for CLM.”
“This course revisited some very important areas – types of grace, involvement with the conference – just to name a couple of things.”
“For me, the material was easy to understand, and it led me to do some additional research on my own.”
“I learned that I am part of a team and I don’t take this journey by myself. I need to speak up, ask for clarification when I need it, and never stop studying/learning/growing in my service to Jesus Christ, my Savior.”
“The study material was so helpful. I have increased my understanding of my denomination and how to appreciate the wonders of God. Thank you so much.”