IFD283 – Loaves and Fishes: Discovering Hidden Possibilities for You and Your Church

Course Dates: Not Currently Enrolling Click here to be emailed when new dates are posted Does your congregation have “enough” of anything? What a crazy question – none of us do!  Whether our personal or congregational settings have changed recently or are continuing on well-worn paths, “lack of” all kinds of resources are a universal…

Seven Ways to Deepen Your Discipleship

To be a disciple of Jesus is to follow closely in his footsteps. Reading scripture and attending worship are great ways to start the journey of discipleship, but should be done alongside other spiritual practices to become a follower with a deep and strong connection to God. It can be difficult to know what to…

IFD211 – Congregational Leadership: Wesleyan Theology

Course Dates: Not Currently Enrolling Click here to be emailed when new dates are posted Designed for Part-Time Local Pastors and Certified Lay Ministers, but open to any person, clergy or lay, this course covers Wesleyan Theology in terms that are practical and relevant for the average church member. The three-fold aspects of prevenient, justifying…

Eastertide: Ripples of Belief

Luke 24: 13-49 There are forty days of Lent. If you observe the Christian calendar, you have just completed walking through this rich and challenging season. Perhaps you gave up something, or added a spiritual discipline in order to align yourself more with the story and journey of Christ to the cross and into the…

Sharing Good News – Virtually

I remember as a child in the early 1970’s sitting down and reading select articles in our 22 volume World Book Encyclopedia. It was a vast source of information updated annually with a special Year Book. While they are still published in book form today, the main source of sales is through World Book’s online electronic…