A Prayer Life Unfolded

guest post by Heather Holba The scent of fresh laundry enveloped me as I stood in my bedroom, folding shirts and matching socks. My babies were napping and in the absence of their antics, the mundane act of folding and sorting clothes allowed my attention to shift from the task at hand. Without warning all…

Explore the Basics with N.T. Wright

This is the time of the year where we move back into the discipline of school, whether we actually attend classes or teach students or not. The fall is where we typically put away the vacations and trade in the ‘chilling out’ days of summer for routines, studies, and back to the basics of life.…

IFD385 – Your Ministry of Planning and Leading Worship

Course Dates: Not Currently Enrolling Click here to be emailed when new dates are posted For many lay speakers, the prospect of leading worship can be an intimidating. This course will help you prepare to lead worship or do “pulpit supply” with confidence. It fulfills requirements for “Leading Worship” and “Planning Worship” needed for Lay…