“Reading the New Testament with Fresh Eyes” is for anyone who has wanted to understand the Bible more effectively. Over four weeks, learners will learn methods for interpreting the New Testament so that it gives life to us and to those in our ministry scope. Students will learn how to study the Scriptures thoughtfully and critically, developing Biblical interpretation skills for future teaching and preaching while understanding their context for reading the Scriptures. Optional Zoom sessions will support the learning process.
This course is a requirement for Certified Lay Ministry certification in the Great Plains conference of the UMC but welcomes all learners to enroll.
In addition to Blackboard interactions, a weekly Zoom meeting will be held at a time determined with learner input once the course begins. These optional meetings will not be recorded.
Learners are required to obtain this book: Reading the New Testament as Christian Scripture: A Literary, Canonical, and Theological Survey by Constantine R. Campbell and Jonathan T. Pennington
This course is eligible for 2.0 CEU.
Quick Info:
Number of weeks: 4
Price: $80
CEUs: 2.0
Required books: Yes
Blackboard: Yes
Zoom: Yes, optional
Certification or Series: No
Read course description for details.
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Price: $80
About the Instructor
Richard Fitzgerald is an elder in the United Methodist Church and has a passion for encouraging, equipping, and supporting people as they seek to live out God’s call on their lives. After serving as senior pastor of a large United Methodist Church in Salina, Kansas, Richard was named Conference Circuit Pastor for the Great Plains Conference, becoming pastor of record for most of the approximately 31 churches that do not have appointed or assigned pastors. He helps these congregations with worship and preaching supply, supporting them in their administration and leadership of the congregation. His churches extend from the panhandle of Nebraska into southeastern Kansas. Richard has extensive experience teaching New Testament courses in person and online.