Exploring the nature of God and how that nature has an impact on lives may be the most important work a human can pursue. Also known as theology, this work forms the basis of faith and is crucial to those working in Christian service.
The Theology and Christian Education course is for laity and clergy who want to learn more about how theology and faith interact. Readings, discussions, and other introspection will be emphasized in this six-week course that examines the value of theology for ministry and education. It is the first course in the Christian Education Certification.
Students are required to have the following books for this class:
- Introduction to Theology for Ministry, by Elaine Robinson
- How to Think Theologically (3rd Edition), by Howard W. Stone and James O. Duke
This course is eligible for 3.0 CEU.
Quick Info:
Number of weeks: 6
Price: $125
CEUs: 3.0
Required books: Yes
Blackboard: Yes
Zoom: No
Certification or Series: Yes (Christian Education)
Read course description for details.
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Price: $125
About the Instructor
Kate Hanch is the Associate Pastor of Families at First St. Charles United Methodist Church in St. Charles, MO. She received her PhD in Theology and Ethics at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. Her dissertation is entitled Prophetic Humility: A Feminist Theological Account.
She loves teaching theology to all ages, from children to older adults, and looking for new ways of being the church in this season. While ordained Baptist, she has a happy home among the Methodists!