Psalm 1 Devotion: A Tree Planted by a Stream

What does it mean to “be a disciple”?  In the Christian context, a disciple is one who follows Jesus.  If we are going to seek to be disciples of Jesus, then we are wise to look to scripture to help us know the way to follow.  We begin with Psalm 1.  This psalm sets two paths in front of us: the way of the wicked and the way of the blessed.  The word “blessed” in scripture catches my attention. 

IFDC1420 – Theology and Church Administration

Course Dates: Not Currently Enrolling Pre-requisites for this class are IFDC1410 Need the password? Contact us Where is God? How is church administration transforming to ever changing day to day ministry of the congregation?  This second course in the church administration certification sequence takes a theological approach to building a relationship with God and relationships with…

IFDC1410 – Biblical Compassion and Church Administration

Course Dates: Not Currently Enrolling Click here to be notified when this certification begins again Effective church administration allows each community of faith to operate to its fullest potential and creates space for all people to grow, worship, and serve. Attending to the details of congregational life involves organization and inspiration, along with conflict resolution…