Every human has felt the presence of a Goliath. In place of a sword and shield your Goliath may brandish blades of unemployment, abandonment, or depression. He doesn’t roam ancient hills; he prances through your office, your bedroom, your classroom. He brings bills you can’t pay, addictions you can’t resist, a past you can’t shake, and a future you can’t face.
How long has your Goliath stalked you? Invaded your first morning thought and final night-time worry? Are your inner Goliaths growing?
Everyone has a problem so overwhelming it is seems gigantic. Whether your overwhelming problem is grief you can’t deal with, divorce that has ravaged your family, or an addiction that has a clamp on your willpower, this course will help you to look towards solutions.
To successfully complete this course, learners must complete a reading assignment and engage on the Discussion Board each weekday at the time that best fits their schedule. Absence from the Discussion Board for three days may result in removal from the course. To protect the confidentiality of all learners and provide a safe environment given the sensitive topic, a privacy agreement will be communicated and agreed to on the first day of this course.
Learners are required to have this book for this class:
- Facing Your Giants by Max Lucado
This course is eligible for 3.0 CEU.
Quick Info:
Number of weeks: 6
Price: $125
CEUs: 3.0
Required books: Yes
Blackboard: Yes
Zoom: No
Certification or Series: Yes (Grief Care)
Read course description for details.
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About the Instructor
Annette Arnold-Pflaum is the founder and president of Wisteria Ministries. She has 25 years counseling experience and has specialized in grief and crisis counseling since 2015.
Annette is a Nationally Board Certified Chaplain [BCC] and has been a State of Nevada Licensed Interfaith Minister since 2014. She is also a Certified Lay Minister in the United Methodist Church and holds a certificate in congregational leadership.
A retired nurse/EMT with 20 years of medical experience, Annette is a graduate of the Academy of Religious Studies, Ministerial Seminary, Chaplaincy Nevada Theology Academy, and has completed advanced clinical pastoral training. She has been an academy instructor.
Annette is consulting director of the Nevada State Chaplains Task Force: Crisis, Trauma, Emergency & Critical Incident Response Team. She was part of the response team that assisted after the 2017 Las Vegas shooting.
Past Students Said…
“I’ve been a “fan” of BeADisciple for years. Also, I’ve taken a number of courses from Annette Arnold-Pflaum and am so impressed with her instructing style and commitment to her students’ education in care ministry.”
“I have taken several courses with Annette and have found her to be an outstanding instructor in each of them. She not only cares that you understand and learn the material, but she also cares for you as an individual.”