Course Dates:
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Pre-requisites for this class are IFDC710 & IFDC720
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This course is a theological and practical exploration of identities and roles involved in church worship. While understanding the assembly as the primary liturgical actor, learners will explore leading worship as a God-given vocation for clergy and laity, signifying a collaboration of ministries that belong to liturgical action. Participants will consider their church’s worship resources and teaching documents as a basis for design and performance. Learners will discover and develop skills in several roles, including presiding and assisting around font, pulpit, table, and song. The study will encourage learners to articulate their sense of worship leadership as a calling and the implications for their ministry in service to the church’s worship.
Learners are required to have this book for this class: The New Pastor’s Guide for Leading Worship by Barbara Day Miller
For United Methodists: The United Methodist Hymnal, 1989 and The United Methodist Book of Worship, 1992
Students from other denominations may substitute their principal ritual book/s, such as Book of Common Prayer (Episcopal 1979), Evangelical Worship (Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2006), Book of Common Worship (Presbyterian Church USA, 2018), Book of Worship (United Church of Christ, 1986).
In addition to Blackboard interactions, several optional Zoom meetings will be held with learner input. The meetings will not be recorded.
This course is eligible for 3.0 CEU.
Quick Info:
Number of weeks: 6
Price: $125
CEUs: 3.0
Required books: Yes
Blackboard: Yes
Zoom: Yes, optional
Certification or Series: Yes (Worship Leadership)
Read course description for details.
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About the Instructor
Jeffery Seeley serves as pastor of Grace United Methodist Church in Corning, New York after having retired as the associate professor of church music at the Mercer University Townsend School of Music in Macon, Georgia. He holds degrees in theology and music from Lycoming College, Drew University, and Mansfield University, and a D.Min. degree from Emory University. An ordained deacon in the United Methodist Church, Jeff has held positions as pastor, professor, and church musician for almost 50 years. He has a heart for strengthening pastor and church musician relationships and training for the sake of the assembly’s worship.