post by Lisa Buffum, August 10, 2022
Begin by reading Psalm 2 on or in your own Bible
Don’t we all want to be on the winning team? If there is a winning team and a losing team, we want to be the winners!
Psalm 2 continues the theme from Psalm 1 of two opposing forces. It speaks of two “teams” in the terms of nations and kingdoms. The kings of the earth lead the “Nationals” as they go up against God’s team, the “Eternals.”
The Nationals would be wise to follow the rules of the game, but instead, they desire to throw off what they perceive as the “chains and shackles” of the game rules. Not following those rules could lead to their destruction. However, they are very determined.
God knows what the kings and nations of the earth do not – He has the very top player on His team. He calls this player “Son.” He has anointed this player above any others, and He would give this player anything he asks. All of the nations will be the inheritance of this player. All the ends of the earth will be his possession. While the Nationals puff up with pride in themselves and their abilities, the player God has chosen to top them all leads the Eternals.
Which team will win? In which team shall you and I take refuge? Psalm 2 ends with another exhortation for how a disciple can be blessed: “Blessed are all who take refuge in Him.” I recommend we choose wisely.
I hope you have a wonderful week!
PS Does your church have a Campus Ministry? Even if you don’t live in a college town there are ways in which you might minister to young people away at college. If this interests you, check out this new course: Campus Ministry: Empowering Congregations to Support Students.
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Lisa is the Director of Online Education for the Institute for Discipleship, overseeing the ministries of Lisa completed a Master’s degree in Christian Ministry from Friends University in Wichita, Kansas, in May of 2006.
She is the mother of three children, and currently, “Mimi” to four grandbabies. Lisa teaches the instructor training course and other courses as needed, and provides technical assistance for instructors and learners for every IFD course.