The Church
Mark Sandlin talks about how becoming a “fan” of God is undermining the Kingdom of God on Huffpost Religion.
The Academy
Jessica Parks considers the apparent paradoxes in Christian feminism, and explores whether the two belief systems are truly opposed on the Cataclysmic blog.
The World
Linda Bloom reports on how UMCOR Relief is aiding in the Philippines, and how you can help via UMConnections.
The Culture
Kevin Hamilton, artist and professor of art and design, interviews Latina theologian and art-lover, Cecilia Gonzalez-Andrieu about art, theology, and faith on the CIVA blog.
The Kingdom
An eloquent and meditative reminder that the Kingdom is slow from Rachel Held Evans.
A stunning piece from Peggy Rosenthal about Time, our percieved control of it, and God’s waiting for us to turn to Him, on Good Letters.