Welcome to this week’s edition of Lingering Leaves – our most memorable posts from around the web. This week: a UM advocate for the homeless; accessibility and art; excerpts from the first MAKERS conference; Olympics; love, and sin.
The Church
The United Methodist Reporter tells us about Ingrid McIntyre, a homeless advocate recently featured on 60 Minutes.
The Academy
The CIVA blog covers a new partnership between Gordon College (Wenham, MA) and the Museum of Modern Art, focusing on accessibility and art.
The World
Peruse a photo blog of eight days of the Olympics in Sochi – on Worldpost.
The Culture
Huffpost shares some highlights from the very first MAKERS conference for female leaders – an interview between Jennifer Anniston and Gloria Steinem.
The Kingdom
Kevin Watson grapples with the false but familiar tensions between love and sin on his blog, Vital Piety.