Psalm 1 Devotion: A Tree Planted by a Stream

What does it mean to “be a disciple”?  In the Christian context, a disciple is one who follows Jesus.  If we are going to seek to be disciples of Jesus, then we are wise to look to scripture to help us know the way to follow.  We begin with Psalm 1.  This psalm sets two paths in front of us: the way of the wicked and the way of the blessed.  The word “blessed” in scripture catches my attention. 

Seasons of Prayer

guest post by Bill Lewis Sometimes my burden seems difficult and following Jesus seems so heavy. I should go to church, probably be in a discipleship group, serve in a ministry and give abundantly out of my sometimes meager income. Is God capricious and difficult to follow? All of this seems so overwhelming that I…

Delighting in the Hymn You Are In

guest post by Nancy Golden My husband Phil and I recently took my ninety-year old mother to visit a doctor for a second opinion. We don’t see Mom as often as we would like since she lives in another city and our schedules are quite full. Mom doesn’t drive any more and doesn’t get out much.…

He Set His Face to Jerusalem

A Lenten Study by Bishop Dick Wilke For our first post in our “Interviews with Influencers” series, From the Branches had a chance to catch up with Bishop Dick Wilke regarding his new Lenten study, published through Abingdon Press, and featured this year as an online course for Be A Disciple. Bishop Richard B. Wilke…

Instructor Introduction: Derek Maul

My name is Derek Maul; I’m a Jesus-follower, a pilgrim-in-progress, and an author for Upper Room Books. I’m also a real fan of this ongoing experiment with on-line learning. My Passion My passion is to connect people – men and women – with a more vibrant, authentic experience of what I call “The Life-Charged Life.”…