Psalm 1 Devotion: A Tree Planted by a Stream

What does it mean to “be a disciple”?  In the Christian context, a disciple is one who follows Jesus.  If we are going to seek to be disciples of Jesus, then we are wise to look to scripture to help us know the way to follow.  We begin with Psalm 1.  This psalm sets two paths in front of us: the way of the wicked and the way of the blessed.  The word “blessed” in scripture catches my attention. 

A New Way of Making Disciples: Using the Left Hand

“The successful expansion of any movement is in direct proportion to its success in mobilizing and occupying its total membership in constant propagation of its beliefs.”  – The Strachan Theorem, from Richard Peace There are two streams of disciple making which could be described as “right hand” and “left hand” evangelism; we need both hands…

A Conglomeration of Lenten Resources

Many of us are receiving ashes on our foreheads today, reminding us of our sin and fragility; and more importantly, of our desire to descend to death with Christ during the season of Lent, that we may somehow “attain the resurrection of the dead.” We often find ourselves thrust into liturgical seasons in the midst…

Explore the Basics with N.T. Wright

This is the time of the year where we move back into the discipline of school, whether we actually attend classes or teach students or not. The fall is where we typically put away the vacations and trade in the ‘chilling out’ days of summer for routines, studies, and back to the basics of life.…