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Psalm 34 Devotion: Taste and See That the Lord Is Good

This verse always reminds me of my dear friend, Donna.  I do not know if this was Donna’s very favorite verse, but it was certainly one of them.  Donna was a wonderful baker.  She was fabulous at making scrumptious treats.  Several summers, Donna led Bible studies involving chocolates and other treats around the reminder to “taste and see that the Lord is good.” 

Photo by Felix Mittermeier on

Psalm 33 Devotion: Creatio Ex Nihilo

Music holds such power to connect us in amazing ways . . . to our present, to our past, to one another, to God.  Amazon Alexa wakes me up every morning to praise and worship music.  I listen to KLOVE in my car.  If I am having a down time, I turn on music in my home or office.  I love to read and study and listen to the great hymns of the faith.  Music has the power to change my day and my attitude completely around. 

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Psalm 31 Devotion: Deliverance

I have been asking God to speak to me and to move actively in my life.  I am waiting and watching and listening for His voice.  I have been praying for the opposite of fear when He does speak.  I am asking for the will to obey when He speaks.  I am asking for peace.

Photo by Peter Conlan on Unsplash

Psalm 30 Devotion: Made to Praise

I have been asking God to speak to me and to move actively in my life.  I am waiting and watching and listening for His voice.  I have been praying for the opposite of fear when He does speak.  I am asking for the will to obey when He speaks.  I am asking for peace.

Photo by Micah Tindell on Unsplash

Psalm 29 Devotion: The Voice of God

I have been asking God to speak to me and to move actively in my life.  I am waiting and watching and listening for His voice.  I have been praying for the opposite of fear when He does speak.  I am asking for the will to obey when He speaks.  I am asking for peace.

Photo by Jimmy Chan on Pexels

Psalm 28 Devotion: Mercy and Grace

The psalm appeals in verses 3-5 of this psalm to God’s justice for the wicked.  We all have an internal sense of what might be just.  Along with David, we might ask God for the wicked to be repaid for their deeds and receive the punishment they deserve.  But, when it comes to us, we ask for mercy we don’t deserve.  Isn’t that ironic?

Photo by Jordan Whitt on Unsplash

Psalm 26 Devotion: A Blameless Life

What do we know about David?  We know he was not allowed to build the Lord’s temple because he had too much blood on his hands.  We know he went to war a lot.  We know he had an affair with Bathsheba, and he had Uriah killed.  He lied.  He succumbed to temptation.  He abused his power.  David did not really live a blameless life either, did he? 

Helping Others Grow Through Their Grieving

Grief can be a lonely place, and those who care for persons who are grieving often find themselves at a loss.  A BeADisciple course I facilitate, Helping Others Grow Through Their Grieving, has been of great help to many who minister to the grieving and/or their friends and family, guiding them to grow during this difficult time.