Photo by Umit Bulut on Unsplash

Psalm 13 Devotion: Waiting

David asks five questions to open Psalm 13, and four of these begin with “How long?”  How long will I be forgotten?  How long will Your face be hidden?  How long will I sorrow and wrestle and struggle?  How long will I feel like I am losing the battle?  When we feel this way, and we likely all do at times, it can be really hard to wait. 

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Psalm 12 Devotion: A Timeless Truth

Lying is awful.  It hurts others and it hurts the person doing it.  It is a terrible feeling to know lies are being circulated about us.  Sometimes it is a personal lie, but other times it is a circumstantial lie about an inherent group or classification of people.  And, for the liar, it is so exhausting to keep up the appearances which lies produce.

Psalm 9 Devotion: Reciting the Alphabet

The interesting thing about Psalm 9 is that it is an acrostic psalm, which continues into Psalm 10.  There are eight acrostic psalms in the total number of 150 psalms. Each line of an acrostic psalm begins with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet.  In English, this would be like line 1 starting with A, line 2 starting with B, line 3 starting with C, and so on.

Psalm 8 Devotion: Consider the Heavens

There is really something about being outdoors that helps one to reflect on how big of a God we serve.  Kansas skies feel vast, and on a clear night, so many stars are visible.  Sometimes, I simply like to go outside after dark where I look at the moon and the stars and marvel at the great expanse of God. 

Photo by Ruben Hutabarat on Unsplash.

Psalm 6 Devotion: A Prayer of Repentance

Sunday morning, I sat in the church pew. The preacher had exalted us to repent of our sins. As the worship leader sang “Just as I am,” I became convicted of a specific transgression. I knew God was calling me to the altar rail to repent of it and ask for forgiveness. The pull to move overwhelmed me.

Photo by Mike Setchell on Unsplash

Psalm 4 Devotion: An Evening Prayer

David gives us Psalm 4 which we could read, meditate on, pray to God, or sing in the evening before we go to sleep.  As he wrote this psalm, I wonder if he thought of his time as a shepherd boy in the fields.  Did he look at a starry sky like this and talk to God?